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General Questions
New Customers
Customer Service
Funds Transfer and Availability
Funds Access and ATMs/VISA® Debit Card
Downloading Account Info To Personal Finance Software
General Questions |
How is Charles Schwab Bank (Schwab Bank) different from Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (Schwab) the brokerage firm?
Charles Schwab Bank is a federally chartered thrift institution and an affiliate of Charles Schwab Corporation, a financial holding company. All bank products and services are offered through Schwab Bank.
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (CS & Co.) is a registered broker-dealer and is not a chartered bank. CS & Co. is principally engaged in providing securities brokerage services to customers. The products offered by CS & Co. are not FDIC insured, are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by Schwab Bank, and are subject to investment risk including possible loss of principal.
Do I need to be a Schwab brokerage customer to do my banking with Schwab Bank?
No, you don't have to be a brokerage customer of CS & Co. to bank with Schwab Bank.
Can I make deposits or conduct banking activity at any CS & Co. Investor Center?
You cannot conduct banking activity (such as making deposits) at CS & Co. Investor Center offices but you can get basic information about Schwab Bank and the types of products and services available.
Are my deposits with Schwab Bank insured?
Yes. Funds deposited at Charles Schwab Bank are insured, in aggregate, up to $250,000 based on account ownership type, by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). You can confirm our FDIC membership by visiting the FDIC web site at
Can I pay my bills online?
Yes. We offer a Bill Pay service that provides Schwab Bank Checking and MMDA customers the convenience of paying bills online quickly and easily at no extra cost.
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New Customers |
What products and services does Schwab Bank offer?
Schwab Bank offers Schwab Bank Investor Checking, Interest Checking Plus and Schwab Bank Investor Savings accounts.
How can I become a Schwab Bank customer?
Apply now. Visit to learn more about Schwab Bank Investor Checking or Schwab Bank Investor Savings accounts. Or call us at 1-888-403-9000.
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Customer Service |
Can I talk to a person?
Absolutely. Schwab Bank Customer Service Representatives are available by calling 1-888-403-9000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What should I do if I forget my password?
If you have forgotten your password and can't log into your account, we have a special password hint process to help you remember your password. Or, you can call our Customer Service line and ask to have your password reset.
Can I send e-mails for service related items?
We do not offer e-mail based customer service at this time. Please contact a Customer Service Representative at 1-888-403-9000.
How do I report a change of address?
To report a change of address, Log In at and go to the Customer Service page or contact a Customer Service Representative at 1-888-403-9000.
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Deposits |
How do I make deposits into my accounts?
- Via Direct Deposit
To arrange for Direct Deposit of your paycheck or government check into your Schwab Bank account, you can print a Direct Deposit request form and instructions from Complete the form, then give it to your payroll manager (for direct deposit of your paycheck) or send to Social Security (for direct deposit of your government check) along with a voided check. (Check with your employer before using this method, as your employer may have special requirements for Direct Deposit)
- Via Funds Transfer from an existing Schwab Bank account
Transfer funds from another account by phone or through our Web site.
- Via Wire Transfer or Funds Transfer from another bank account
Transfer funds from another financial institution via wire transfer or automated electronic deposits. For more information on wire transfers, please contact Customer Service at 1-888-403-9000.
- Via Mail
Mail your deposit to us with a completed deposit slip (after your account is opened you will receive a package that includes mailing labels and pre-printed deposit slips.) When depositing personal checks, make them payable to yourself and write "for deposit only" on the back of each check. Also, please write your Schwab Bank account number on the back and remember to endorse the check. All deposits (including deposits sent using overnight services) should be mailed to:
Standard Mailing Address Charles Schwab Bank, SSB P.O. Box 982605 El Paso, TX 79998-2605
Overnight Mailing Address Charles Schwab Bank, SSB 1945 Northwestern Drive El Paso, TX 79912-1108
How do I set up direct deposit of my payroll check?
Many customers have their paychecks directly deposited into one of their banking accounts, and most employers also offer this convenient service as a benefit to their employees.
To arrange for Direct Deposit of your paycheck into your Schwab Bank account, follow the instructions on our Direct Deposit information page.
What if I have cash to deposit?
For your security, we discourage cash deposits traveling through the U.S. postal service.
Can I send a deposit to you through a network ATM?
We do not currently offer network ATM deposit acceptance. We can only accept ATM deposits at Schwab Bank ATMs in Reno.
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Funds Transfer and Availability |
How soon are my funds available to me after depositing?
Our policy is to make funds from your deposits available to you on the first business day after the day we receive your deposit, although there are certain exceptions to this policy. Contact Customer Service at 1-888-403-9000 for details about when funds are available for withdrawal.
How long does it take for my deposit to be posted to my account?
Deposits sent via Direct Deposit are posted to accounts on the same day they are received. It is not possible for us to determine how long it will take to receive a deposit sent via the U.S. mail; however, we post all mail deposits received by 1 p.m. PT (4 p.m. ET) on the same business day. You should make sure deposits have been posted to an account and are available prior to initiating any transactions.
Do I earn interest when my money is on hold?
Yes. Please be assured all deposits are earning interest (in applicable accounts) regardless of whether the funds are available for withdrawal.
Can I transfer funds online between my Schwab Bank accounts?
Yes. Transfers from your savings or money market account to your checking account are allowed but limited. Transfers from checking accounts to savings or money market accounts are unlimited.
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Funds Access and ATMs/VISA® Debit Card |
Do you charge for using ATM (Automated Teller Machine) services?
Schwab Bank does not charge customers to use their Visa Debit Card to get cash from an ATM. However, certain financial institutions and ATM operators independently may charge you a fee for the use of their ATMs. We have no control over these charges. However, when you get cash from an ATM that adds on a surcharge we'll rebate the amount of that fee to your Account (maximum monthly rebates apply and vary by account type).
Which ATMs can I use to access my money?
Our customers can use any of the hundreds of thousands of ATMs worldwide displaying the Visa®, Plus® or MoneyPass® logos. You can also use your Visa Debit Card to make purchases wherever Visa is accepted and receive cash back at no charge when you use your PIN to authorize the transaction.
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Downloading Account Info To Personal Finance Software |
Can I download my account information into Quicken®?
Yes. Users of Intuit's Quicken can quickly download their Schwab Bank account information to their computers for more convenient management of their finances.
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